Planning for Cambodia Slowly

πŸ“Έ LVL Creative Studios - Selfie with Sarah, Phally & LQ

Adventure Journal Entry πŸ—ΊοΈπŸ““ 01.23.23

This is my friend Phally Yan, who I've known since 2016. Back in 2016, Phally and I worked on a project with Habitat for Humanity over in Cambodia building a home for a family in need in just 5 days! 

A comfortable home and a dedicated place to rest your head after the long hot days in Cambodia are an absolute thing that no one should go without, but alas, they still do. 

This year, I will be working on a project to help us get over there to build some more spaces for families in need. Many questions and ideas to explore still, but it's one that I am very excited about in order to hopefully be my yearly give back project. 

More to come in our exploration of the world πŸ‡°πŸ‡­


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